Benefits of Prepaid Water Meters


What is a Prepaid Water Meter?

Basically, your Prepaid Water Meter works like a prepaid phone. You determine the amount you wish to spend per month on water.

With this device, a meter is installed and programmed to dispense your pre-agreed and determined amount of water each day. If the daily limit is reached, the flow of water stops until the next day when the daily allowance is once again available.

Unused water allocations are carried over to the next day, but have to be used before the end of the month as it is not carried over monthly.

What you are paying for in terms of your water quality is exactly the same as before and the price that you pay for water with your Prepaid Water meter is the same of per Municipality rates.

What benefits do I gain when changing over?

  • Water in South Africa is very scarce, therefore very expensive. With a prepaid water meter you are forced to watch how much you spend and use, because the more you use, the more you will be spending.
  • Here you have the power to control your water usage, allowing you to pre-determine and budget your expenditure monthly.
  • You avoid unexpected water cut-offs as you pay for your water up-front.
  • There is less administration involved.
  • You avoid hassles such as leakages, faulty meters and misreadings on your meters that would normally lead to high water bills each month.
  • Access to your free 6000 litres per month is guaranteed.